5 Tips for Keeping Wedding Planning Stress to a Minimum

photo from: www.topweddingsites.com 

It’s no secret that wedding planning can drive you absolutely crazy.

Follow these 5 tips to help keep yourself sane and the weeding stress to a minimum:

  1. Make a Schedule and Stick to It

You’ve got your wedding checklist and you’ve been ticking off the boxes. But some days that list looks really long. Rather than worrying about getting it all done, pull out your calendar and schedule accordingly.

  1. Ask for Help

Between your fiancée, your families, your wedding party, and your friends, chances are that someone has offered to help you out with the planning process. When loved ones offer to help, you aren’t taking advantage of them. Just be sure ask if the projects you need help with are manageable for your helpers before delegating.

  1. Keep It Fun

Whether you’re scanning Pinterest for ideas or making those tedious centerpieces, be sure that you’re planning process if fun. You’re preparing for your wedding day –one of the happiest, most precious days of your life.

Regardless of if you’re prepping alone or with loved ones, turn on music, reminisce about your romance, or daydream about your future. Do whatever it is that makes you laugh and smile because weddings (and wedding planning) can and should be joyous!

  1. Designate “Musts” and “Mights”

As important as your every idea for your wedding is, it’s unlikely that you can fulfill all of your dreams at once. As you schedule out and make plans with loved ones to prep for your wedding, keep a list of “musts” –like the things that you absolutely must do or parts of the wedding that you know you’d regret not having.

Make a secondary list of “mights.” When things get too stressful, just cross some “mights” off or put them off as needed. With more manageable expectations, you’ll be less stressed.

  1. Balance the Planning Out With Some Perspective

Pull your calendar out again. This time, schedule some plans that will help you to keep a realistic perspective. Your wedding  is important, but it isn’t everything. Make time to enjoy life as it happens –including wedding-free friend time  and dates with your fiancée. Keep your time with the Lord focused on Him and His plans, not on prayerful venting and worrying about wedding stuff.

It’s hard to get super stressed when you maintain the right perspective that when it all comes down to it,  the perfect wedding isn’t as important as following the Lord through the relationships and lessons He’s leading you in right now.